How local listings help your SEO
You’re more than likely familar with local listings, as they show up in the search results whenever you search for a business in your area. These are vital for contractors because they inform searchers about your services, your service areas, hours of operation and important business updates. Some examples of local listings are: Google My Business, Yelp, Nextdoor, and Better Business Bureau. These matter for your business because search engines rely on local listings to determine if a business is relevant in their searchers’ area.
I was hungry when I was writing this post so we are going to be using this snippet to outline how local listings benefit businesses that operate in a specific area.
To summarize, local listings help you communicate to search engine users in your area. It’s not enough to just have a website, you need to also display your business and services in places where people are actively searching like Google. Listings are just one of many ways Odyssey Marketing Group helps contractors get discovered. Stay tuned for future articles about SEO.