How to succeed with your digital marketing agency
You don’t need a yes man, you need a business partner that understands digital marketing and who is excited to build a lasting online presence. In my experience as a digital marketer and as a vendor in the construction industry, I have come to learn that success comes from a vested and mutual partnership. I am not here to sell you things you don’t need. I’m also not here to work in a silo without your knowledge and involvement. I’ve found that a willing and engaged client is a successful one. In fact, I don’t even like using the words ‘client’ or ‘customer. In my eyes, we are business partners and here are a few tips that I have found that make for a winning partnership.
1.) Be involved in creating your marketing strategy: I am your partner, and you hired me to take the digital marketing strategy off your plate as a business owner so you can focus your energies elsewhere.
My job is to build and implement strategies based on your business goals and who you are as a company. I would be doing a disservice if I did not take an interest in your business, your brand, and your customer base. In fact, I couldn’t do my job without your input! As your partner, my job is to make sure you understand why we are pursuing the strategies that we have in place and to effectively communicate our strategy results.
As a marketer, I rely heavily on making data driven decisions and my goal is to get that data for us so we can effectively measure our results and make changes if our results are not meeting our goals. However, I need you and your input to help define what success looks like for your business which is why I need your involvement.
2.) Trust the marketing process
In the beginning, there is going to be a lot of changes, and new information fed your way. I want you to start your digital footprint off running. That means that I am focused on launching your website, and digital marketing strategies as soon as possible so I can measure where your customers fall into your marketing funnel. When we market your business, there is not a singular strategy that fits every business. I tailor strategies that are goal specific for my clients and I enhance those marketing strategies by leveraging the data that I receive. Therefore, my goal is to get you going ASAP, as a partner all I ask of you is your trust and in return you receive a dedicated marketer who tirelessly works to gain the best results for your business.
3.) Publicly Embody your Brand
Your brand and marketing strategy should not only be implemented online but in reality. Here is what I mean by that: We work tirelessly on a website and social media campaign that highlights our warm, approachable and caring service to our customers. On your website, we make form submissions for scheduling estimates easy, we have email follow up automations that hit our customers at the right time, and we provide engaging social media and website content that showcases your craftsmanship, attention to detail, and personable customer service.
If our in-person experience does not match our online branding and our supportive marketing strategy, then we won’t be successful. I can’t be your brand’s embodiment on the ground, so I need your help with that, and just as you are trusting me to take the marketing load off, I more than trust you to live out your brand.
To summarize, a marketer and a client should never truly exist in a silo. While my goal is to not bombard you with meaningless calls, emails or meetings (trust me, I don’t want that either) I do need to know everything about your business and have your full buy in to our strategy. The key word is “our” this isn’t my strategy, but one that is crafted based on our collaboration. My role is to take the marketing of your business off your hands. My role is not supposed to exist with out your input and attention. Furthermore, I can do everything in my power to market your business, but if you are not onboard with our strategy and willing to embody our work in your business interactions, then this probably won’t work out. I am not just your marketer but your trusted business partner and my success is based on your success. With that understanding of mutual collaboration, we will have our marketing strategy will be successful.